Comprehensive school

The comprehensive school on Åland consists of two educational levels, primary school (grades 1-6) and lower secondary school (grades 7-9). Students with intellectual disabilities may also attend grade 0 and 10. The statistics include, among other things, information about the students' language studies, special education, gender, grade, school and home municipality. The statistics mainly apply to the situation at the beginning of the academic year, or on August 30 of each year.

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Database - Comprehensive school


Number of pupils in comprehensive school 1975-2023 by level of education
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Number of pupils in comprehensive school 2023 by school and grade
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Number of pupils in comprehensive school 1990-2023 by municipality of residence
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Number of pupils in comprehensive school 2023 municipality of residence and type of school (including homeschooling)
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Number of pupils in comprehensive school with support activities 2015-2023 by sex and type of support
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Percentage of pupils in lower secondary education studying voluntary languages 2023 by school and nubmer of studied languages
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Percentage of pupils in comprehensive school studying voluntary languages 2023 by sex, language and grade
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Number of pupils in comprehensive school 2012-2023 by mother tounge
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